Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Effect of Exercise on the Cardiovascular system

In class on Thursday we will talk about how the cardiovascular system is affected by:
1. Exercise, and
2. Aerobic training
Search for trustworthy references (medical or educational sites, not anywhere trying to sell anything) that discuss the effect of exercise or long-term aerobic workouts or strength training workouts on the cardiovascular system.



This site talks about how there is a anaerobic threshold to exercising intensively. Once this threshold is passed, then the body cannot increase the oxygen consumption and all that exercise will become useless and anaerobic.


1. In order to send more blood to the body, the heart needs to work harder during exercise. So, the cardiovascular system needs to beat faster than usual.
2. Aerobic exercises use lipids (fats) with oxygen for energy.For example, Weight lifting increases cardiovascular fitness above average.

Overall, both exercising and aerobic training lead to a healthier body and a better quality of life.


This website gave information on the effects of regular exercises on cardiovascular system. It states that the regular exercise makes more efficient in pumping blood and delivering oxygen. They also states that regular exercise releases adrenaline and lactic acid to the blood resulting in an increase of the heart rate. Exercises increase stroke volume, cardiac output and systolic blood pressure, and mean arterial pressures which are the components of the cardiovascular system. It is important to keep up the regular exercise for the better results.


This website is talking about the cardiovascular system and exercise.
It also talks about important functions of cadio-system.
This website also gives clear definitions of Heart rate,stroke volume, and cardiac output etc.
This website says it is very important to deliver oxygen to the working muscles.
The other website is telling the reader it is important to have frequent exercise in order to have a healty cardiact system.


The site talks about how exercise helps keep your cardiovascular system healthy. The heart pumps blood out to the organs and exercise can help in blood circulation because it continues to help oxygenate your blood and carry a good supply of blood to the rest of the body. Since a heart is a muscle, you can improve its function through exercise because if exercise is continued, then the heart can beat slower, but still pump large volumes of blood. However, if the heart muscle is weak, then it must work harder to do the same amount of work.


This website not only presents some responses of the cardiovascular system to exercise but a quiz to take at the end of reading the information. The firs thing the site mentions is that when muscles begin to be used in exercise, the arterioles dilate and provide more blood flow to the muscle or "vasodilation of the arterioles." This vasodilation ensures that mucles using more energy will receive more blood. Due to this, blood flow to a muscle can increase up to 20 times as the muscle is used in exercise. Your body will adjust to this increased blood flow and your arteriole pressure will not rise or fall, but remain constant.


The main emphasis of the effects of exercise on the heart changes with types of exercise. There are two main effects: increases in ventricular chamber size and increase in wall thickness. The chamber size increase is a result of prolonged endurance training exercise. The increase in ventricular wall thickness is a result of high intensity strength training. The wall thickens due to more pressure generating by the heart to move blood thus blood flow increases due to muscle contraction.

Kyle Musler

Click here
This site explains some of the benefits that regular exercise has on the body and some of these benefits are related to the cardiovascular system. One effect that regular exercise has is that it improves blood vessels. It says that it helps blood vessels remain flexible so that they can react to various physical demands. Another effect is that it lowers inflammation in arteries which helps prevent heart attacks. Lastly it also states that regular exercise lowers the risk of high blood pressure.


Only 41% of kids that participate in physical activity exert themselves enough in order to increase their cardiorespiratory functioning and stamina. Lack of exercise increases body fat which decreases cardiovascular capacity. Teaching kids to get into the habit of exercising at an early age will help them to stay healthy and promotes healthy habits throughout their life time


This website talks about a new analysis that proves that amount of exercise is more important than intensity to improve cardiovascular system. This new method reduces cardiovascular disease. In order to prove the new analysis, the researchers watched two groups of obese people and had one group do a moderate exercise, and the other group an intense exercise. They used exericse measurement "peak VO2 and time to exhaustion (TTE) -- before and after the trial," in order to determine the differences. The group of people who were involved in an intense exercise had a higher oxygen consumption.


This article explains some effects of endurance training on the cardiovascular system of elderly subjects. To summarize, the results show that with intense training 3 times a week for 16 weeks, the subjects could consume more oxygen, have more blood volume, and their heart could pump blood more efficiently. However, after the subjects stopped training for 4 months, they returned to the way they were before the endurance training. So it is better to continue training to keep the benefits.


This site is interesting in that it goes against what is normally taught, and what is taught to us. It states that the conventional "aerobic" exercise does affect the cardiovascular condition, but it is not always a positive one. In fact, they state that it "causes more harm than good" because such high forces are involved in these activities like running and aerobic dance. They state that it actually "degrades the cardiovascular system, for the simple reason that it wastes muscle tissue." They believe that it is more important to produce muscle to most effectively enhance one's cardiovascular condition.


This site talks about how regular exercise increases the efficiency of blood pumping through the heart and the release of oxygen to the muscles. At rest, muscles receive about 20% of the total blood flow, but during exercise, the muscles receive about 80-85%. Exercise increases several different components of the cardiovascular system such as the stroke volume (SV), cardiac output, systolic blood pressure (BP), and mean arterial pressure. With an increase in these functions, the body is capable of receiving more nutrients, oxygen, and hormones.


This website goes in depth upon how runners train and how much stress is placed upon the cardiovascular system.
1. With a lower resting heart rate: this shows that that heart is more capable of doing its job of pumping rich oxygenated blood throughout the entire body.
2. With lower resting and exercise pressure, this shows a heart that has decreased stress on the cardiovascular system with an ability to perform better and under more difficult circumstances.


According to my sites, the cardiovascular system on exercise stimulates higher body temperature, higher metabolism and higher oxygen demand. Exercise helps to strengthen the cardiovascular system because after all, your heart is a muscle that needs regular conditioning.

Aerobic exercise increases cardiac capacity
strengthens the heart, body and lungs, and uses creatine phosphates, fat and carbs as the energy source. Aerobic exercise is more for fat burning and anerobic is for strengthening the cardiovascular system.



The body uses oxygen to produce energy during aerobic exercise. During this exercise, fat and glucose is combined with oxygen. Then the combination causes fat and glucose to break down. The more exercise, the more oxygen is used. It is advised to do 30 minutes of aerobic exercise a day. A regular routine will reduce body fats, improve health, and improve fitness overtime. Some aerobic exercises are walking, jogging, running, dancing, swimming, cycling, and skating. Exercising does not have to be tiring and intense, but if people wish to do more strenuous activities, it is encouraged. Over long term aerobic exercise cardiovascular health should improve. It can prevent cardiovascular disease, diabetes, some cancers, strengthen the heart, increase muscle strength, lower cholesterol levels, reduced blood pressure, and loss of excess body fat.


Dr. Haykowsky, an associate professor of rehabilitation medicine at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada and his colleagues observed 812 patients with heart failure. Out of the 14 studies, nine only did aerobic training, one only did strength training, and the last four supplemented aerobic exercise with strength training. The results showed that strength training had no effect on the cardiovascular system while the aerobic exercise helped the heart. They guess this result is because strength training actually increases the stress of the heart due to the pressure buildup. On the other hand, aerobic exercise significantly helped the ejection fraction, "the percentage of blood pumped from the left ventricle to the blood vessels with each beat of the heart."

Derek Kim

This site explains the effects of cardiovascular training for women. The health of females is drastically improved by doing simple aerobic exercises like jogging or non-strenuous exercise.

This medical news article talks about a specific study that found that exercise helps HIV patients. They conducted an experiment which had a experimental group do aerobic exercise for 10 weeks, three times a week for 45 minutes each session. These "fit" HIV+ individuals significantly improved function of the nervous system and circulation in those with HIV disease. I think it's incredibly interesting that something as simple as exercise can help. Researchers are conducting further tests but they say that this is the most cost effective therapy with no negative side effects!


This medical article is part of the website called Science Daily. The article talks about how exercise changes the structure and function of the heart and how instead of looking at before and after snapshots, they tested athletes over a period of several months and continuously monitored the shape, size, and functions of the heart. They split the athletes into two groups: one group that did endurance training and the other that did strength training. At the end of the 90 day testing period, both groups showed an increase in the size of the heart. The difference was that the endurance athletes has expanded ventricles while the strength athletes had thickened heart muscle in the left ventricle. The point of this study was to show that maybe patients with different heart diseases should be told to do different exercises since these exercises produce different results. This ties perfectly into what we learned today about the effect of exercise on our heart and how different types of exercises have different effects on our body.


This website states that aerobic exercises such as weightlifting can improve the cardiovascular system through the thicken the walls of your heart. This allows you to better endure any increase in blood pressure. It also talks about the cardiovascular effects of anaerobic workouts as well.


One website I did not see mentioned describes the importance of aerobic exercise such that the heart rate increases by 20 beats per minute more than the resting heart rate. Also one should stop exercise if it is accompanied by rasonably heavy breathing and sweating presuming that the environmental temperature is not hot. The target heart rate should be considered only an estimate.


The website I found is both helpful and simple. It breaks down the benefits of exercise within 7 easy steps. First it points out the benefits of exercise on your mood, your weight, sleeping habits, and sex life. In addition, it recognizes the benefits of exercise on the heart and lungs. It explains how exercise delivers oxygen to the heart and lungs. In a result, the circulation of bloood through the heart and blood vessels is more efficient. As a result, the website points out how this produces more energy.


When you exercise, the end result is your body releasing more endorphins than normal. This happens because when you start to exercise your breathing gets faster and deeper which allows more oxygen to get into your blood. This causes your hear to beat more rapidly amplifying the blood flow to muscles and lungs which will transport more oxygen to muscles. Exercising on a regular basis will keep your arteries clear by increasing concentrating of HDL and decreasing LDL. (HDL=high density lipoprotein, good cholesterol; LDL=low density lipoprotein, bad cholesterol) It also strengthens your heart because the stronger the heart is the less it needs to pump and it also pumps blood into your body more resourcefully.


In this journal, the author states that regular exercise helps to treat peripheral artery disease. This is a disease that is caused by the obstruction of large peripheral arteries. When a person conducts regular exercise, he or she will feel less pain that comes from the disease by about 17%. On the other hand, strength training does not do as much. In fact, it does little to no help at all in improving one's lifestyle under this disease condition. Furthermore, regular aerobic exercise will result in several physiological adaptations. The cardiovascular changes include increased stroke volume, increased capillary density and muscle oxidative capacity. Overall, aerobic capacity and endurance will be improved.


In this journal, the author states that regular exercise helps to treat peripheral artery disease. This is a disease that is caused by the obstruction of large peripheral arteries. When a person conducts regular exercise, he or she will feel less pain that comes from the disease by about 17%. On the other hand, strength training does not do as much. In fact, it does little to no help at all in improving one's lifestyle under this disease condition. Furthermore, regular aerobic exercise will result in several physiological adaptations. The cardiovascular changes include increased stroke volume, increased capillary density and muscle oxidative capacity. Overall, aerobic capacity and endurance will be improved.


This website gives 7 general benefits of exercise on the cardiovascular system. It mostly explains that a buildup of plaques in your arteries is caused by cholesterol and other products in your bloodstream, can interrupt your blood flow and cause life-threatening damage to your cardiovascular system. Exercise prevents this. It also explains how regular exercise also benefits your respiratory system by "promoting rhythmic, deep breathing. Your lungs actually develop greater capacity, so you're better able to take in oxygen to nourish your cells."


This page includes information about why exercise is good for the Cardiovascular system and what other benefits exercise can do for your body. The website also includes information about what exercises to do and how your cardiovascular system benefits from performing them. There are also instructions on how to perform exercises and stretches. There are also some tips on precautions, ways to stick with exercising, and tips for people who have heart problems.

Nelson Lowe

This website talks about how exercise benifiicual to your cardiovascular system. They talk about the positive effects, such has blood pressure and heart ate. Exercise increases shear stress and blood flow which reduces vascular disease by increasing the release of nitric oxide and prostacyclin.

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