Thursday, May 7, 2009

Deep brain stimulation - an insider's perspective

"The tremors started in 1999. I remember pouring a glass of wine and my hand starting to shake. “What’s that?” my wife at the time asked. “Parkinson’s,” I joked. We laughed. I was only 43. It seemed funny. The shaking went away, but over the next few weeks I started using the computer mouse and eating with my left hand. I didn’t know it, but the Parkinson’s was affecting the fine motor control on my right side. It was subtle, but enough to make me more comfortable as a southpaw. “That’s odd,” I thought. “When did I become left-handed?”
This is a very interesting essay from a man who chose an extreme treatment for his early-onset Parkinson's. It's a bit long, but if you have time I think you'll find it very interesting.


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